1. Intake valve seat . ------ --- --- ---- --- --- 1/32 x 45 Chamfer x 25/32" dia.

2. Exhaust Valve seat ------ --- --- ---- --- --- 1/32 x 45 Chamfer x 25/32" dia.

3. Intake Valve guide side clearance ---- ---- .002"

4. Exhaust Valve guide side clearance -------.002'

5. Intake valve tappet clearance -------------- .006' Hot

6. Exhaust valve tappet clearance ------------.006' Hot

7. Valve timing   ------------------------------- 40' Before low dead center

8. Main Bearing Diameter -------------------- Front 1.3125 Rear 1.251

9 Main bearing dia. Clearance ----------------Front .00125 Rear .00125"

10.  Main Bearing thrust clearance ----------- .004'

11. Connecting rod Bearing Diameter -------- 1.249'

12. Connecting rod bearing dia. clearance---- .00075

13. Connecting rod bearing side clearance --- .0085

14. Camshaft bearing Dia. ---------------------- Front 1.500",  Rear 1.4375"

15. Camshaft bearing clearances --------------- Front .00195", Rear .00145"

16. Cylinder bore -------------------------------- 2.000'

17. Piston clearance ----------------------------- .00175

18. Number and type of piston rings Per Piston ----- 4 Rings (3 plain- 1 oil ring)

19. Piston ring side and bottom clearance ---------- Side .00125', Bottom .007'

20. Piston pin diameter clearance ----------------- .001

21. Ignition timing maximum degrees advance ----- Approx. 30

22. Recommended types of spark plugs -------------Original  Champion spark plug No. 7, 18 mm.

                                                                                 Modern    Champion  Com 8  or  D 16  (D16 is hotter)